HANGUP is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

hangup v {1} [A2C; a12] embrace or greet with joy, esp.
upon arriving.
Muhangup ang bátà nákù inig-abut nákù sa balay, The child greets me with joy as soon as I get home.
Naghángup dáyun sila sa ílang panagkítà, They immediately rushed into each others arms when they saw each other.
Ayaw ku hangpa kay gisip-un ku, Dont embrace me.
I have a cold.
{2} gi- be a?
ected by the sickness hangup.
n ailment brought on by the spirit of a deceased relative whom one failed to remember with a prayer, mass, or the like.
a a?
ectionate in ones greeting.
Kinas-ingkásing ug hangup gayud nga pagdáwat, Sincere and joyous reception.
-in- v [B126; c5] be pleased by some action.
Nahinan-gup aku sa íyang gibúhat, What he did pleased me.
Gikahinan-gup námù ang ímung sulat, Your letter pleased us.
kahinangup n pleasure at some action.
hinalangpun a welcome.
Ang balin-tayins dí mauy usa ka hinalangpun nga higayun, Valentines Day is a welcome occasion.
mahinalangpun, mahinangpánun a with pleasure, enthusiasm.
Mahinalangpun kaáyu siyang miúyun sa plánu, He agreed to the plan enthusiastically.

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