TIG-A is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tig-a a hard, not soft.
Tig-a daw puthaw, Hard as steel.
Tig-a giyug balatían ang dì malúuy kaníya, You have to be heartless not to pity her.
v [B24; b6] become hard, not soft.
Mitig-a ang karning gibulad, The meat which was dried under the sun got hardened.
ma- a very hard.
v [A13] be hard.
Nagmatig-ang kasingkásing, A hard heart.
patig-atig-a v [A13] pretend to be unyielding.
Nagpatig-atig-a siya kay magpalúgit, She pretended to be unyielding to give him a hard time.

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