LIBKAS is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

libkas v {1} [APB3(1)] for a trap to spring, for s.t.
held back to be released suddenly; cause it to do so.
Milibkas na ang pas-ung, tingáli nakakuhà, The trap sprung.
Maybe it has caught s.t.
Milibkas ang kabli dihang napalus sa ligid, The cable lashed out when it slipped o?
the wheel.
Hilibkasan ka bayà ánang bawug, The spring pole might snap back on you.
{1a} slip o?
under weight.
Ayúhag bángil ang tiil arun dì makalibkas, Put the support under the leg carefully so that it wont slip o?
{2} [B3] for s.t.
to slip inadvertently out of the mouth.
Nalibkas sa bàbà ang tinúud, maung nahibaw-an sa tanan, The truth inadvertently slipped out of my mouth so that everyone found out.
{3} [A23] appear, occur all of a sudden.
Usa ka pahiyum milibkas sa íyang nawung, A smile lit his face.
Nakapaúlì siya sa wà pa mulibkas ang gúbat, He had a chance to go home before the war suddenly broke out.
pa- n slingshot.

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