PITUL is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

pítul v [A; a1] impose punishment to discipline.
Dì na siya magpabuyag kay napítul na siya nákù, He wont make a nuisance of himself any longer because I gave him a good whipping.
pitupitu n {1} mosquito wrigglers.
{2} tadpole.
() game played with small children where the child puts the fingers on the palm of the adults hand who recites or sings a rhyme closing the fin-gers on the childs hand.
One version: Pitupítu santubud, kan-un púru budbud, Putdang sanggutan, ang bílin kawatan, Pitupítu santubud, all he eats is budbud, Cut the toddy-producing tree down, Whoever is left is the thief.
v {1} [a4] be infested with mosquito wrigglers or tadpoles.
Gipitupitu ang danaw, The pond is full of mosquito larvae (tadpoles).
{2} [B256] become mosquito wrigglers, tadpoles.

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