TIAD is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tiad a with the back arched.
v [A2; c6] bend ones body back-wards.
Dì ku makatiad kay musakit ang piang sa bukubuku, I cannot bend backwards because it will hurt the sprain in my back.
tiágak v [A23] {1} for chickens to make the sound of being dis-turbed.
Mitiágak ang sunuy kay ímung gisámuk, The rooster squawked because you bothered it.
{2} yell, esp.
when about to be punished.
Mitiágak siya dáyun dihang gihanaan ku siyag latigu, He shrieked when I got set to whip him.
n the action of squawking.

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