MANUGIMPU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

manugimpu, manugimpul n k.
parasitic plant which attaches itself to trees.
It extends out a vine-like trunk which clings and covers the host.
manuk n {1} chicken.
Pinirítung manuk, Fried chicken.
{1a} layù ra sa tinái sa {1a1} o?
the subject, not to the point.
far from the chickens intestines.
) {1a2} wound of no conse-quence, harmless scratch.
{2} gamecock.
{2a} a protegé in-volved in any race or competition: politics, boxing, love, et al.
Napildi ang íyang manuk, His candidate (protegé) was defeated.
v {1} [A1] have chicken for ones meal.
{2} [A; a12] make s.
ones protegé, candidate in a competition.
Akuy mumanuk nímu ug dì ba sugut dáyun nang bayhána, If I put you up as a candi-date that girl will surely accept you.
Midaug siya kay gimanuk mang Sirhing, He got elected because he was a protege of Serg-ings.
-an, -an() n {1} poultry business.
{2} one who has lots of chickens.
v [A1] have a poultry business.
-in- a sleeping half-awake because of insomnia or because of a need to remain conscious.
v [A; c1] sleep in such manner.
Magminanuk kug katg paghuwat sa pirs trip, Im just going to nap because I have to make it to the first trip.
-un() a slightly cross-eyed.
Gwápa untang bayhána, ugáling manúkun lang, That girl is beautiful, but she is cross-eyed.
n = lukgaw.
-un a = -un(), a.
n the cow-nosed ray, so called because it moves like a bird in the water: Rhinoptera javanica.

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