DAWAL is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

dawal v [A] stick out of an opening, hang out.
Nagdawal ang pistúla sa bulsa, The pistol stuck out of his pocket.
Padawala ang dílà, Stick your tongue out.
dáwat v {1} [A3S; a1] receive, accept.
Mudáwat ba nà siyag sub-urnu?
Does he accept bribes?
Mudáwat mig kasíra, We accept boarders.
Mudáwat siyag labáda, She takes in laundry.
Dílì aku makadáwat niánà, Sorry, I cannot accept that.
Nakadawat ka ba sa ákung suwat?
Have you received my letter?
{2} take, receive s.t.
Dawáta ning ákung itúnul nímu, Take this thing Im going to hand you.
{3} take hold of the hand that delivers a blow or fend it o?
Dawáta ang íyang kamut ug musukmag, Fend o?
his arm if he delivers a blow.
{4} [A3SN; a2] gather palm toddy.
Walà siya kapanáwat karun, He hasnt gathered toddy today.
n amount the lender gives for s.t.
Tray-inta písus ang dáwat ánà, You can only pawn that for thirty pesos.
() n palm toddy.
Ang íyang dawat ganíhang buntag tam-is kaáyu, The palm toddy he gathered this morning was very sweet.
dawatdáwat v, n {1} = bùbuay.
see bùbù.
{2} uvula.
hiN-() a fond of accepting.
Hinawat ug suburnu, Fond of accepting bribes.

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