UPLUK is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

upluk a {1} lacking in ability, not up to what would normally be expected of one.
Upluk kaáyu sa klási, Very slow to understand in class.
Upluk duktúra, A half-baked doctor.
{1a} foolish, stupid.
{2} fond of playing tricks, pranking with a straight face.
Upluk kaáyu siya ug dì ka pahiulian sa íyang tistis, He is very fond of playing jokes with a straight face, and he never lets on that he has played a joke.
{3} fond of asking for things, but not willing to give when one has s.t.
and is asked.
v {1} [B12; b6] be, become half-baked, dull, or stupid.
{2} [AN; b5] cheat s.
out of s.t.
by hoodwinking him.
Uplúka (uplúki) lang sa kwarta apan ayawg pangasaw-a, Just cheat her out of her money.
Dont marry her.

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