KIRUG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kirug = kilug.
kírus v {1} [A; b3] do s.t.
hurriedly in less time than one has available.
Mikírus dáyun mig panghípus pag-abut sa tiligráma nga papaulíun mi, We hurriedly got busy packing when we re-ceived the wire to go home.
Unsa may inyung gikirúsan?
Náay bag-ung niabut?
Why are you bustling and hustling about?
Is there a new arrival?
{2} [B26; b6] scratch an itch intensely.
Mikírus siya ug pangálut, She started to scratch violently.
{2a} itch to do s.t.
Mikírus siya sa kahínam sa pag-abli sa sulat, She was itching to open the letter.
paN-() v [A13] itch to do s.t.

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