LAGBAS is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lagbas v {1} [A2; b5] pierce or traverse through.
Milagbas sa íyang panumdúman ang tíngug sa íyang asáwa, The voice of his wife passed through his mind.
Milagbas ang lansang ngari sa píkas, The nail pierced through the other side.
Lagbasun (lagbasan) ning sinilása ug lansang, A nail can pierce through these slippers.
{2} [A2; a123] arrive at a destination after having gone through s.t.
Dúgay kung kalagbas dinhi kay daghan kug gihapithapitan, It took me a long time to get here because I had to stop at several places.
{3} [AC; bc] go, bring s.t.
beyond s.t.
Tingálig magkalagbas ta, Im afraid we might pass by each other without knowing it.
Makalagbas ka kahà sa íyang abilidad?
Do you think you can surpass his ability?
Gilagbasan námù ang inyung balay, We went beyond your house.
sa {1} through an area or over a stretch of time.
Babáying naglakaw lagbas sa háwan sa tulunghaan, A woman walking across the courtyard of the school.
{2} beyond s.t.
Lagbas pa sa pusti, Beyond the post.
-anan n place one passes through.
-in-an() n a mark left by s.t.
that passed.

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