SALIP-UT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

salip-ut a narrow, having little room for motion.
Salip-ut nga sayal nga lisud ilíhuk, A narrow skirt that is di?
cult to move in.
Salip-ut nga dálan, A narrow road.
v {1} [B; c1] be narrow, get to have too little space.
Masalip-ut (musalip-ut) gánì ang kwartu, alimúut kaáyu, If the room gets too crowded, it will be very hot.
{2} [A; c] wedge s.t.
in between s.t.
Isalip-ut nang papil sa pultahan arun dì maabli, Stick a piece of paper into that door so it wont come open.

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