HALUB is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

halub, hálub v {1} [A; c1] make leaves pliable by heating them.
Maghálub kug dáhun sa ságing nga pustan sa kan-un, I will soften up a banana leaf to wrap the rice in.
{2} [B2; b6] singe, burn slightly.
Nahálub ang íyang pánit sa adlaw, His skin was scorched by the sun.
{2a} for the lungs to be destroyed by drinking too much alcohol.
Makahálub (makapahálub) sa bágà ang bínu, Liquor will destroy the lungs.
{3} [B; b6] for leaves to yellow prior to drying up.
Muhalub (mahalub) ang tanum kun ulúrun ang gamut, The leaves of plants will yellow when the roots are eaten by worms.

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