AKTU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

aktu n {1} the act of doing s.t.
Ang tanang mga aktu sa simba-han pagabayran na, You have to pay for every church ceremony now.
Nasakpan siya sa aktu, He was caught in the act.
{1a} acts in the church.
Aktu sa pagbásul, kuntrisiyun, Act of Con-trition.
{2} the time that s.t.
Sa aksidinti tulu ang namatay sa aktu, In the accident three died on the spot.
Ang táwu nga náa sa aktu sa kamatáyun dílì mamakak, A man does not lie when he is at the point of death.
{3} acts of a legislative body.
{4} acts of a drama.
v {1} [b4(1)] be caught in doing an act.
Hiaktuhan siyang nangáwat, He was caught in the act of stealing.
{2} [A] a engage in some action.
Ug muaktu siyag dautan, singgit, If he acts suspiciously, scream.
{b} show signs of dying.
Ug muaktu na, ipatawag ku, If he shows signs of dying, send for me.

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