USISA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

usísa v {1} [A23] ask, seek to be informed.
Unsa, nakagustu ka sa ímung trabáhu?
miusísa nákù si Husi, How do you like your work?
Joe asked me.
{2} [A; a12] study, examine closely to analyze.
Nag-usísa ang piskal sa kásu sa pagpatay, The fiscal is conducting an investigation on the homicide case.
Usisáhun nátù ug unsay nakapakunhud sa átung baligyà, Let us study what made our sales drop.
{3} analyze, test to determine s.t.
Nag-usísa silas yútà ug magkinahanglan bag abúnu, They are testing the soil to see if it needs fertilizer.
n investigation, in-quiry.
mausisáhun a {1} questioning, inquisitive.
{2} scrutiniz-ing with full attention to details.
uska short for usa ka.
see usa.

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