LAUM is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

láum v {1} [A; b(1)] expect s.t.
Nagláum ku nga mausab pa siya, I still have hopes that hell change.
Laúmi ang íyang pagbálik, Hope for his return.
{2} [A; bc5] rely.
Makaláum ba ku sa ímung sáad?
Can I trust your promises?
Kining lúti ang bugtung námung gilaúman sa panginabúhì, This small lot is our sole means of support.
ka-an, pag-n {1} hope.
Nawad-an na siyag pagláum sa kinabúhì, He has lost hope in life.
Kini rang midisináha ang ákung pagláum, This medicine is my only hope.
ma-un a full of hope.
laumlaum v [A1; b(1)] prolong ones stay in a certain place for a purpose.
Naglaumláum ang mga batan-un human sa pan-gadyì tungud sa bayli, The young men who joined the prayers stayed late for the dance.
Gilaumlaúman nákù sa Manílà ang pagpaluap sa ákung apuyintmint, I stayed in Manila for some time to follow up on my appointment.

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