HIPHIP is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

hiphip v {1} [A; a] insert in between s.t.
or into a tight place or container.
Nakítà kung mihiphip siyag papil dibangku sa libru, I saw her insert a bill in the book.
Naghiphip siyag pistúla sa íyang háwak, He tucked a pistol into his waist.
{2} [AN; b6(1)] bribe.
Mihiphip (nanghiphip) siyag táwu nga mupalúsut sa íyang papílis, He bribed a person who could work out on his papers.
Gihiphipan níya ang pulis arun dílì siya dakpun, He bribed the policeman so he wouldnt be arrested.
n bribe.
-an() {a} fond of giving bribes.

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