WIRIWIRI is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

wiriwiri v {1} [B; b6] for a light to flicker or for the vision to be blurred, as when one is dizzy.
Nagwiriwiri ang ákung panan-aw sa pagtindug nákù, I kept seeing stars when I stood up.
Hángin ang nakawiriwiri (nakapawiriwiri) sa sígas sugà, The gust of wind caused the light to flicker.
{2} [A1] twisting and wriggling like worms, wrigglers.
Ug ayúhun pagtan-aw daghang nagwiriwiri sa súkà, If you look at the vinegar closely youll see lots of wriggling things in it.
a wavering, flickering vision or light.
n wriggling things, e.
mosquito wrigglers.
() v [A2S; c1] move s.t.
to and fro with a quick, jerky or shaking motion.
Ig-abut nákù muwiriwíri dáyun ang íkug sa ákung irù, As soon as my dog sees me it wags its tail immediately.

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