URAL is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

úral n s.t.
Púru úral ang ámung iksámin, We had all oral exams.
v {1} [A13; c1] communicate orally.
{1a} [A; a12] eat alone without anything to go with it (humorous).
Maáyung klá-sis kan-un, maúral, A good variety of rice that is good even if eaten all by itself.
Urálun ta na lang ning sinugbang isdà kay walà na may kan-un, Lets just eat the broiled fish alone because theres no more rice.
{2} do s.t.
relying on ones memory or knowledge without any other aid.
Bilib ku nímug makaúral kag úlì niíning makináha, I would really be impressed if you could put the machine together without referring to the manual.
{3} eat with the bare hands s.t.
that should be eaten with silver-ware.
Urála na lang nà ninyung pagkáun kay kápuy ipanghúgas unyà, Just eat with your fingers to save washing the silverware.

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