MINTIRYU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

mintiryu n cemetery.
v [B1256] die (lit.
go to the cemetery).
Sa ímung kabágis mamintiryu giyud kag sayu, You are such a ru?
an you wont live long.
mintras while, during or the time that.
Mintras naghulat ka, pagkalingawg basabása dihà, While you are waiting, just amuse yourself reading.
Paglípay mintras búhì pa, Enjoy yourself while youre still alive.
tantu {1} = mintras.
{2} for the time being.
Lápis lay gamíta mintras tantu nga wà tay bulpin, Just use a pencil for the time being since we have no ball point pen.

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