SIAK is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

siak v {1} [A; a12] split s.t.
along the grain.
Masiak ang tabla ug ibulad sa ínit, The board will crack if you leave it under the sun.
{1a} sa úlu v [A12B1256] be a great mental burden.
Suliran nga makasiak sa ákung úlu, A problem that can crack your head.
{2} [A3; a12] disturb violently as if to crack.
Singgit nga misiak sa kahílum sa kagabhíun, A shout that rent the stillness of the night.
{3} [b3(1)] be worried, angry, sad.
Masukù lang nà siya bísag way gikasiakan (gikasik-an, gikasilik-an), He gets angry even without cause.
kasilik-an n enmity, misunderstanding.

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