HUSGR is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

husgr v [A; b6] pass judgment.
Muhusgr ang huwis human sa bista, The judge passes judgment after the hearing.
Makasalà ta ug maghusgr ta sa átung isig ka táwu, We sin if we judge our fellowman.
Si Maríya Magdalína gihusgahang usa ka dakung makasasálà, Mary Magdalene was adjudged a great sinner.
n judgment.
husgádu n court.
v [B126; c] be brought to court.
Mahusgádu giyud ka, You will certainly be hailed into court.
Ngánung ihusgádu pa man ninyu ang inyung kásu?
Why must you bring your case to court?

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