PAKUT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

pákut v {1} [A; a] bind s.t.
Tulisan ang nagpakut níla sa halígi, The robber bound them to the post.
Pakúta ang mga bulus sa kawáyan arun sayun dad-un, Bind the bamboo stems together so they will be easy to carry.
{2} [A13; c1] be of all di?
erent kinds, do s.t.
to all di?
erent kinds.
Ug pakú-tun (ipákut) ninyu ang prútas nga inyung kan-un maimpatsu giyud mu, If you eat all di?
erent kinds of fruit at one time youll surely have indigestion.
() n bond.
ka- a of various kinds put together.
Kapákut lang ang ímung pamalíbad, You have run the full gamut of excuses.
v [B1456] be of various kinds put together.
Nagkapákut ang íyang sinínà sa mga tapak, Her dress was all patches of every sort and shape.
pákut n wild boar.

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