PITLUD is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

pitlud v [A; b] {1} pluck o?
the ends of young stems to make the plant spread.
Pitluran ang tabákù arun managkù ang dáhun, They pluck the tops of the tobacco plants so that the leaves will grow big.
{2} break o?
of young stems in general.
pitluk v {1} [A; ab2] strangle s.
with the hands.
Pitlúkun ta ka ug mutug-an ka, Ill strangle you if you tell.
{2} [A; a12] swipe fowls (slang).
Gipitluk ang ámung sunuy gabíi, Damn!
They swiped our rooster last night!
{3} [a12] thrust the finger in s.
s eyes.
Bísag pitlukun pa ang mata sa tudlù dílì makítà tungud sa kangitngit, Its so dark you couldnt see a finger thrust into your eyes.

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