PUHUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

puhun in the future, God willing.
Puhun, ug may kinabúhì pa, mulangyaw ku, Someday, God willing, I will go abroad.
Mugíkan ku ugmà puhun, Im leaving tomorrow, God willing.
puhun-púhun v {1} [AN2; a12] say that one will do s.t.
, God willing.
Mupuhunpúhun (mamuhunpúhun) ta kay dì ta makasigúru sa ugmà, We should say God willing because we cannot be certain of the future.
{2} [a12] for it only to be a matter of days for s.t.
expected to happen to s.
Puhunpuhúnun na lang ang gilaygay.
Dì nà madúgayng mamatay, Its only a matter of days till the patient dies.
Hell pass away soon.

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