SIPUKAR is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

sipukar v [B16] for work to be fast-paced.
Maáyung hinay-hináyan ang trabáhu arun dílì magsipukar kun hápit na kina-hanglána, Do the work little at a time so that you wont have to do it in a great rush when the need arises.
sipukádu, sipukáwu a {1} short-tempered.
Sipukádu ang táwung daghag prublíma, A person with many problems gets to be short-tempered.
{2} requiring a fast pace of work.
Sipukádu na kaáyu ning ámung trabáhu kay dúna man miy didlayin, We are working as fast as we can because there is a deadline to meet.
v {1} [B1; a12] be, become short-tempered.
{2} [B12; c1] for work or a person to require a fast pace.

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