TAPUS is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

tápus v {1} [A; a1] put an end to, finish.
Dakung kumbíti ang mitápus sa silibrasiyun, A big feast concluded the celebration.
Tapúsa na siya arun mahílum, Kill him (lit.
finish him o?
) to silence him.
{2} [A2B12; a12] do to the end, come to an end.
Wà ku mutápus sa sini kay way lamì, I didnt finish the movie because it was no good.
Mutápus (matápus) ang prugráma inig-aríya sa tilun, The program will come to an end when the curtain comes down.
pagka- afterwards, after that.
{3} [A13] hold the tápus feast.
n {1} after, at the end of.
Tápus sa gúbat, After the war.
{2} the feast which is prepared on the ninth day of the prayer for a deceased person.
() thats all, that will do it.
Kun masukù siya hagki lang.
Tapus, If she gets angry, kiss her.
That will do it.
dáyun n a story in a periodical or on radio or TV complete in one installment.
hiN-() v [A13] coming to an end.
Atangi ang naghinapus tang sugilánun, Watch for our story thats nearing its conclusion.
paN- v [c] make as a concluding point, part or finale.
Ang sáyaw mauy ipanápus nátù sa prugráma, We will make the dance number the last part.
n s.t.
that concludes.
Maáyung panápus tung bálak sa ímung diskursu, That poem made a good ending to your speech.
paN-() a final, no matter what the consequences might be.
Ibundak ku ning uska libu.
Panapus ning sugála kay nagkapildipildi ku, I ran out of luck, but Ill gamble this one thousand pesos, come what may.
ka-an n {1} end, termination.
{2} = tápus, n2.
v [A13; b6(1)] hold the tápus feast.
-um-r-() n about to end or finish.
Tumatapus na ang prugráma ug mamaulì na ta, The program is about to end, and we will go home.

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