HIMU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

hímu, hímù v {1} [A; a] make, construct.
Kamau kang muhímù ug talabánug?
Do you know how to make a kite?
Himúun kung palu ning kahúya, I will make this piece of wood into a mast.
{1a} make s.
into s.t.
Himúun ta kang kapitan, Ill make you a captain.
{2} [A; a2] do, perform.
Ayawg himúa tung ímung panghulgà, Dont carry out your threats.
{2a} conduct or hold an activity.
Adtu himúa ang míting sa iskuylahan, The meeting will be held at the schoolhouse.
{3} [B12] turn into, become.
Ang kawad-un mauy nakahímù (nakapahímù) níyang kawatan, Poverty caused him to become a thief.
Nahímung batu ang gikuptan ni Mídas, The thing which Midas touched turned into stone.
Nahímung sumsúman sa mga tabì, It became the subject of conversation for the town gossips.
{4} [A12; a3] be capable of doing s.t.
not usual, allow to do s.t.
Dì ku makahímù pagh-ingílin níya, I cant bring myself to evict him.
Mahímù ka nang mupaúlì, You may go home now.
Walay mahímù, Nothing can be done about it.
{4a} nga [a3] be possible.
Mahímù kaáyu nga bulagan ka, You might just possibly be jilted.
{4b} [a3] for a woman to be easily had.
Mahímù nang bayhána, You can easily get a piece o?
that woman.
{5} [a3] happen, occur.
Mau kadtuy kinadak-ang súnug nga nahímù sa syudad, That was the biggest fire that happened in the city.
n make.
Lig-un ni kay hímù man ni sa Amirika, This is strong because it is of American make.
paka- v [A13; a12] {1} turn oneself, s.t.
into s.t.
Nagpakahímù siyang kataw-anan, He made himself a laughing stock.
{2} to be capable of doing s.t.
Unsáun nákù pagpakahímug pasulud nímu nga dílì ku háwak?
How could I give you a job when I have no power?
ma- v [B1256] become (Biblical).
Ang tanan mamahímù nga yútà human mamatay, All will be transformed into dust after death.
-in- {1} s.t.
Ákù nang hinímù, That was of my own make.
{2} s.t.
made of.
Balay nga hinímù sa batu, House made of stone.
ka-an n accomplishments, re-sults.
Gibatbat sa pamúnù ang mga kahimúan sa íyang admin-istrasiyun, The president enumerated the accomplishments of his administration.
{2} possibility.
May kahimúan usab nga kitang mga táwu kalíwat gíkan sa láing planíta, There is also a possibility that man is descended from beings from another planet.
{3} activities in general.
Unsa may kahimúan sa inyung pista?
What are the activities in your fiesta?
mag-r-, mag-l- n maker, producer, manufacturer, etc.

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