LAMBU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lambù a growing lush and tall, prospering.
v [B3] {1} for plants to grow lush and tall.
Milambù ang tanum nga giabunúhan, The fertilized plants grew lush.
{2} prosper, flourish.
Milambù sa ngadtungadtu ang íyang nigusyu, His business flourished with time.
{3} for good feelings to grow in time.
Sa kadugáyan nil-ambù ang ákung pagbátì níya, With time, my feelings for her grew intense.
-anan n a place where s.t.
Lambuánan sa mga yawan-ung hunàhúnà, Place where evil thoughts flour-ish.
ka-an n prosperity.
Álang sa kalambúan sa násud, For our nations progress.
ka-an() n advancement, growth.
Way kalam-buan ang ímung paningúhà kaníya, Your romantic e?
orts have made no progress whatsoever.
ma-un a growing luxuriantly and tall.

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