ABUSAR is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

abusar v {1} [A3; b(1)] a do s.t.
one is not entitled to, take advantage of s.
by infringing on his rights.
Nag-abusar siya paggáwì sa makinilya nga way pananghid, He took the liberty of using the typewriter without permission.
Giabusahan sila sa magbabaligyà kay way kumpitinsiya, The storekeeper took ad-vantage of them because there was no competition.
{b} mistreat ones health.
Nag-abusar ka lang sa ímung láwas sa ímung pag-inum, Youre abusing your health with all your drinking.
{2} [A] do s.t.
to a superfluous degree.
Wà na nà magkaun; nag-abusar na nà, That is not eating; that is excessive indulgence.

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