GWATSI is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

gwatsi n {1} petty lie.
Nabuku ang íyang gwatsi kay dihay nakakità, He was exposed because there was a witness.
{2} mischievous act or story to arouse laughter.
a one who puts up an act, tells stories.
Gwatsi batáa pasakitsákit arun atimanun, This child is a faker.
He plays sick to get attention.
v [A13; b6] resort to trickery to make s.
believe s.t.
Gwatsíhi siyang mangiskwíla ta arun makagawas ta, Tell him that were going to school so we can go out.
-nangga = -nanggu (female).
-nanggu n one who tells petty lies.
-ra, -ru = gwatsinangga, -u.

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