BAGA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

bagà a {1} thick in dimension.
Ang ámung lamísa hinímù sa bagà nga tabla, Our table is made of thick wood.
{2} dense.
Bagà kaáyu ang duut sa táwu, A dense crowd of people.
{3} rich (from ug bulsa fat walleted).
ug búang misbehaving in an unusual way.
Bagà ug búang si Línu kay nanglìlì samtang nalígù ang íyang maistra, Lino is very naughty because he peeped while his teacher was taking a bath.
ug gwatsi making subtle pranks which are not easily seen through.
ug nawung brazen.
Bagà ug nawung ning tawhána.
Bisan ug wà gustuhi mangulitáwu lang gihápun, This man sure has a lot of nerve.
Even though she does not like him, he still continues to court her.
v [B; a] {1} thicken.
Undángi ug mubagà (mabagà) na ang pintal, Stop when the paint thickens.
{2} become dense.
Mibagà ang pa-nun sa táwu pag-abut sa prisidinti, The crowd became dense when the president arrived.
{3} become rich.
Nabagà (mibagà) siya pag-intra níya sa pulitika, He became rich when he en-tered politics.
{4} ang búang misbehave seriously.
Mubagà ang íyang búang kun mahubug, He misbehaves seriously when he is drunk.
{5} ang nawung be completely brazen.
Nagbagà lang ang nawung ánang bayhána.
Bisag dílì kaíla pangayúan, That woman is completely shameless.
She asks for things from com-plete strangers.
pa-(), pa- sa nawung v [A; c] do s.t.
despite the shame it might bring.
Nagpabágà lang siya ug hangyù nga pa-pangasáwa, She swallowed her pride and begged him to marry her.
kabalag-un, gibag-un n thickness.
kinabag-an n thickest.

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