BAGA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

bága n embers.
mukáug be a tough character (eat live embers).
v {1} [AB; a2] make, become embers.
Nabága (mibága) ang úling, The charcoal turned into embers.
Bagáha ang úling kay mangutaw ku, Make embers because Im going to iron.
{2} [A2S] glow.
Nagbaga ang plantsa, The iron is glowing.
() v [A; b56] broil small dried fish by putting them in a plate with embers and shaking them.
Bagaha (bagahi) ang bulinaw, Broil the anchovies.
() n k.
red fish.
bagabaga n {1} name given to various k.
fish with bright red scales; soldier fish, esp.
Holocentrus spp.
and Myripristis spp.
{2} k.
centipede with bright red body.
bagahan a having live coals.
baghanan n grill.

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