KALAYU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kaláyu n fire.
v [B2S6] {1} grow into, be on fire.
Nakáyu ang bága nga giitsa sa basúra, The ember thrown into the garbage turned into a fire.
{2} be on fire with an emotion.
Nagkalayu siya sa kalágut, He was fuming with rage.
{3} spark, produce sparks.
Nagkayu ang ismiril sa dihang gidaítul ang amul, The sharpener gave o?
sparks when the bolo was pressed against it.
kayukayu v {1} [A] for cooking utensils or burners to produce sparks while cooking s.t.
{2} [B1456] for love to be burning.
-in-() n boiled corn on the cob.
kakalayúhan n fires of hell.

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