LAYA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

láyà a dried, withered up.
v {1} [B23(1)] dry, become dry or withered.
Unyà ra daúbi ang sagbut kun muláyà (maláyà) na, Burn the leaves when they become dry.
Himalatyun na ning kahúya kay nagkalayà nag mga dáhun, This tree is going to die because its leaves are withering.
{2} [B2; b6] for the ears of corn to mature.
{3} ang bágà v [B2; a12] for the lungs to be damaged from drinking too much.
n paper money (slang).
() a {1} dried up.
{2} for ears of corn to be mature.
{3} ug bágà having inflamed lungs from overindulgence in drinking.
{4} dáhung paper money (slang).

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