SANGGI is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

sanggì v {1} [A; a] rip, break o?
at the place of attach-ment.
Nasanggì ang palwa pagtunub níya, The coconut palm frond broke o?
when he stepped on it.
Misalingsing ang gisang-gían sa sanga, The place where a branch was broken o?
grew new shoots.
{2} [AN; a12] harvest corn.
Mananggì ta rung simanáha.
Layà na ang mais, We harvest the corn this week because it is ready now.
n {1} action of harvesting.
Ang sanggì pagahimúun sunud búlan, The harvest will be held next month.
{2} output realized from a specific harvest.
Dakù mig sanggì, We had a big harvest.
-l-un() n mature, ready for harvest.
maN-r-l-n harvester.

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