NA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

na particle following the first word of the predicate.
{1} now [so-and-so] is the case by now, will be the case by a certain point of time.
Ang ákung kinamagulángan sayis anyus na, My eldest son is six years old now.
{1a} with commands and exhortations: [do] now!
Mag-agwáda na ta ug túbig, Let us fetch water now.
Lakaw na, Go on now!
ayaw stop [do]ing!
Ayaw na!
Dílì na ku muusab!
I wont do it again.
{1b} adtu, ari ku, mi good-bye.
Adtu na ku, Ma, Good-bye now, Mom.
{1c} ása, diin, háin where is [subject] now?
Háin na kahà si Bíbut?
Where can Bebot be now?
{1d} unsa {1d1} how are you now?
Unsa na, Ping?
Ganíha ka ra?
How are you, Ping?
Have you been here long?
{1d2} how did it go?
Unsa na ag ímung iksámin?
How was your exam?
{1d3} what is it this time?
Unsa na, kapi gihápun?
What is it this time?
ee again?
unsa -ng urása what time is it now?
{1e} túa answer given when called: coming!
He is gone.
) Pidung, dálì.
Túa na!
Pete, come here.
{2} other phrases with na: see the first word of the phrase.
{3} lang, lámang see lamang.
{4} man particle correcting oneself when one has misspoken.
A Pidru na man, Husi!
I dont mean Pedro.
Bútù na man.
Bútu diay, I dont mean vagina, I mean votes.
tagad ka man dont worry about it.
Adá, tagad ka na man ánang mga tabì, Nonsense.
Dont worry about that gossip.
{5} pud, sad, sab {5a} again.
Nía na pud ang sabaan, Here comes that loud-mouth again!
{5b} in turn.
Si Tunyu na pud ang miluslus sa bisiklíta, This time Tonio was the one who broke the bicycle.

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