GAY-UT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

gay-ut a {1} out of shape, wrinkled.
Gay-ut na kaáyu ang íyang susu, Her breasts were all flabby.
{2} not up to par.
Gay-ut ang íyang dinaganan karun, His running this time was not up to par.
{3} tattered, torn to small bits.
Ang íyang gay-ut nga sinínà gilábay, She threw out her tattered dress.
v [B; a2] {1} make s.t.
out of shape, get out of shape.
Bag-u pa gánì nà nímung gisul-ub nagkagay-ut na man, You have just put that dress on, but it is wrinkled and out of shape already.
{2} be below par, cause to be below par.
{3} tear up until it is no longer usable.

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