SUMBAG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

sumbag v {1} [AN; a12b2] strike with the fist, box.
Nagpanum-bag siyas bungbung sa kapungut, He banged his fist against the wall in anger.
{2} [C; a12] have a fistfight with s.
n blow with the fist.
-ay v [C] {1} = sumbag, v2.
{2} ang kwarta (humorous) have plenty of money.
Nagsumbagay ang kwarta ánang tihíka, That miser has loads of money.
-in-ay() n fistfight.
Ang sinum-bagay dílì makasulbad sa inyung panagbángì, Your di?
erences cannot be resolved by fisticu?
sumbagsumbag v [b5c] dunk, dip food in s.t.
to add more flavor to it (humorous).
Pagkúhà ug unà nga átung sumbagsumbágun (sumbagsumbágan) sa ságing, Get some fish paste sauce to dip the cooked bananas into.

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