TAWU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

táwu n {1} man, person.
{1a} man, fellow.
Naunsa mag táwu!
Nanghawuk man!
Whats gotten into the man!
Kissing me like that.
Kanà gung tawhána, That guy .
{2} follower.
Táwu nà siyang Markus, He is one of Marcos men.
{3} face card.
Nindut íyang baráha kay púlus táwu, He has good cards, all face cards.
{4} s.
left to watch the house.
Kinsay táwu run sa balay, Whos left to watch the house?
{5} visitor.
Dì ku makalakaw kay náay táwu sa ámù, I cant leave the house because we have visitors.
{6} in phrases: anak sa the son of man (Biblical).
- ng Matúud Jesus Christ.
dakung see dakù.
tawhána particular man.
Kanang tawhána, That man.
Kinsang tawhána?
Which man?
v {1} [A; b6] stay and watch the house.
Taw-i ang báy samtang manábù ku, Watch the house while I go marketing.
{2} [B1256; b8] be born.
Natáwu siya sa pasungan, He was born in a manger.
Unsang pitsáha íyang natawhan?
On what date was he born?
Yútang natawhan, Native land.
{3} [AN] prepare for guests on special occasions.
Manáwu sila unyà sa pista sa ílang baryu, They will prepare for visitors when it is the feast day in their village.
{4} [A] attend an a?
air or special occasion.
Mutáwu ta sa kasal níla, We will attend their wedding.
Nagtáwu sila sa mísa sa kaadláwun, They are attending the early morning mass.
{5} [AN; a12] pay a visit.
Gitáwu níla ang mga prísu, They visited the prisoners.
pa- v [A; ac] {1} have s.
stay in a house.
{2} give rise to a feeling.
Mupatáwu sa talagsaung kadásig, Gives rise to an unusual enthusiasm.
paka-v {1} [A13; a] come, bring into the world.
Ngánung gipakatáwu pa aku?
Why was I brought into this world?
{2} [A13] take the form of man, pretend to be man.
Magpakatáwu ang ingkantu kun man-gulitáwu, The enchanted beings take the form of man when they go after women.
hi-ha-v [B1256] be left in a house to watch it.
Siya na lay nahitáwu sa balay, She was the only one left in the house to watch it.
tawutáwu n figurehead.
v [A1B12; c16] make s.
a figurehead, become a figurehead.
taw-an n {1} not unoc-cupied.
Taw-an nang payága kay dúnay sugà, That hut is not unoccupied because theres light.
{2} inhabited by supernatural beings.
Magdiwáta sila sa káhuyng taw-an, Theyll o?
er o?
erings to the tree that is inhabited by spirits.
tawhánun a character-istic of humans, earthly.
Gibyáan sa mungha ang mga tawhá-nung tingúhà, The nun put away earthly desires.
Masayup kita tungud kay tawhánun, We commit mistakes because we are hu-man.
makitawhánun a humanistic, humanitarian.
Makitawhá-nun siya, dílì manaugdáug sa láin, He is humanitarian.
He does not oppress other people.
-in- a done in a human way.
Ang ímung gibúhat dì na tináwu, linuug na, What you did was no longer human but beastly.
n paid by individuals, not by the whole vehicle, service, etc.
Tináwu ang báyad sa dyíp, dì pakyaw, The amount of fare depends on the number of people.
Its not for the whole car.
v {1} [c1] pay for individually, not for a whole.
{2} [c1] do s.t.
manually, use bare manpower on as compared to the use of machines.
Kun tinawhun (itináwu) nà pagbúhat madúgay giyud, If you do it by hand it will take time.
{3} [A13; b6] give a banquet.
Dì ka ba magtináwu rung pyista?
Arent you going to prepare a banquet this coming feast?
katawhan n people, masses.
Kabus ang átung mga katawhan, Our people are poor.
pagka- n {1} character, personality.
Kasalígan siyang pagkatáwu, He has a trustworthy character.
{2} birth.
kina- n {1} nature, inborn character or inherent tendencies of a person.
Kinatáwu nà níla nga mga dagkù sila kaáyu, It runs in their family that they grow to be large people.
{2} genitalia (euphemism).
tawutáwu n {1} s.t.
like a person, e.
scarecrow or the like.
{2} pupil and iris of the eye.
tinawutáwu n comic strips.
Unáhun kug bása ang tinawutáwung sugilánun, Ill read the comic strips first.
uli-see ulitáwu.

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