INAT is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

ínat v {1} [AB23(1); c1] stretch, cause to extend farther in length or time.
Akuy miínat sa dawunggan sa bátang badlún-gun, I pulled the naughty childs ears.
Muínat (maínat) ang tisyirt, The T-shirt will stretch.
Inátun (iínat) paggastu ang kwarta, Stretch the money to make it go a long way.
{1a} [A; a] stretch a grade so that the student can pass.
Inátun na lang ni nátung grádu, kay gradwíting ka man, Well stretch your grade because youre graduating.
{2} [B26] for the voice or brows to be raised.
Muínat (maínat) na gánì nang íyang kílay napikal na nà, When he raises his brows, that means he is irked.
n {1} amount s.t.
{2} stretching.

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