DAGWAY is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

dagway n {1} face.
{2} appearance, looks.
Ang namiyáhuk níyang áping dagway sa kagútum, Her sunken cheeks portray hunger.
{2a} táwu human form.
Nawálà ang ílang dagway táwu ug nahímu silang irù, They shed their human form and turned themselves into dogs.
{3} perhaps, probably.
Muulan dagway karun, It probably will rain now.
{3a} ug it looks as though.
Dagwayg muulan, It looks as though its going to rain.
-an a pretty, handsome.
ka- n similar in appearance to s.
Kadagway mu siya, He looks like you.
paN- n countenance.
Ang kasubù sa íyang kahiladman makítà sa íyang panagway, The sadness in her heart can be seen in her countenance.

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