URAN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

uran v [A; c1] put s.t.
on for daily wear.
Nag-uran kug dáan kay mamanday ku, I am wearing old clothes because Ill do some carpentry work.
n s.t.
worn casually.
Ang sinínà níyas balay mau puy uran sa uma, The clothes he wears around the house is what he wears in the fields.
uran-úran v [A12; c6] {1} wear s.t.
in a casual way.
{2} use s.t.
in a situation it is too good for.
Anúgun sa ímung dagway nga giuran-úran nímug suruyg isdà, You have a lovely face.
What a pity to waste it on peddling fish!
ig-l-r-() n clothes usually worn for a certain job.

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