BIKAKA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

bikàkà n k.
hopscotch played on a rectangular figure di-vided into two rows, each row of which contains four frames.
v [A; b(1)] play this k.
bikang a {1} busy, preoccupied because of too many things to do at once.
{2} encumbering, causing extra work.
v [B12] get encumbered, too busy with many things.
Makabikang (maka-pabikang) ning mga silya sa ákung paglampásu, These chairs make it all the harder to get the floor scrubbed.
Nagkabikang ku sa trabáhu nga nagkadaghan na ning mga táwu dinhi, I have so much work now that there are so many people staying here.

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