KINAIYA is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kinaíya (from siya) n {1} characteristic traits of s.t.
or s.
; the way it (he) is.
Maáyug kinaíyang bayhána, A woman good in her ways.
Kinaíya giyud niánang tawhána nga matúlug lang kun mahubug, Its that mans characteristic just to fall asleep when he is drunk.
{2} natural thing for s.
Kinaíya sa asáwa nga mangabughù, It is natural for wives to get jealous.
Kinaíya man nang bun-ug nga mapáyuk, It is natural for a bruise to be bluish.
Kay wà man makatunghà, kinaíya níya nga dílì mak- abasa, He never went to school, so naturally he cant read.
{3} genitalia (euphemism).
v [B1246] become ones habit.
Nakinaíya na nákù karun ang pagmata ug sayu sa buntag, I have gotten into the habit of getting up early in the morning.
kinaiyáhan n nature, the natural things one observes in the world: the sky, sea, mountains, trees, et al.
kinaiyanhun a pertaining to nature.

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