LAK-ANG is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

lak-ang v {1} [A; b(1)] stand or squat with legs wide apart.
Ayaw lak-ángi ang unidúru kun mugámit mu, Do not squat with your feet on the toilet bowl when you use it.
{2} [A; c] set s.t.
on a fire to cook.
Ang kalapíhan ang ilak-ang pag-úna, Set the pot of co?
ee on the stove first.
{3} [A2; b] miss, skip s.
t in a series.
Milak-ang ang íyang dugù ug usa ka búlan, She missed her period for one month.
Nalak-angan ang íyang ngálan pagrulkul, They skipped his name when they called the roll.
{3a} [B] for there to be a gap.
Naglak-ang ug dakù ang idad sa íyang mga bátà, Her children were widely spaced.
n {1} s.t.
skipped or missed.
{2} distance, gap.
Dakug lak-ang ang kinaíya nílang duha, There is a big di?
erence in their character.

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