KUAN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kuan {1} pause word used to fill in when the speaker cannot think of the right word: um, well.
Kining, kuan, Day!
Ikúhà kug bir!
Err, um, you.
Bring me some beer.
{1a} as a verb (with any a?
Human nímu pagkuan, pánit, ímung kuanun, pikásun, aw kuanan úsà, hugásan, After you um, whatchamacallit, peel it, you, umm, cut it up, rather um, wash it.
{2} word used to avoid saying a taboo word.
Maáyung kusiun sa kuan, It would be nice to pinch her in the you know (the genitalia).
Pwirting kuánay níla, My how they were busy doing IT.
pakuankúan v [A13; b6] pretend to be s.t.
Nagpakuankúan siyang dátù, He was pretending to be rich.

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