KURTI is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

kurti n {1} measure of cloth cut in advance.
Tagpíla man ang kurti íning karsunisúna?
How much is this pant, material per cut?
{2} shape, type of a face.
Nawung nga kurtig katsílà, A face with a Spanish shape.
{2a} style in which s.t.
is cut.
Nindut ug kurti ang ímung alut, Your hair is cut in a nice style.
Wà ku makagustu sa kurti sa íyang bistídu, I dont like the cut of her dress.
v {1} [A; ab] delineate a desired shape or pattern on s.t.
to be cut or cut into a certain shape.
Akuy kurti sa panaptun ikay tábas, Ill make the pattern on the cloth, you cut it.
Kurtíhag kinasingkásing paggabas ang tabla, Saw the wood into the shape of a heart.
Kurtíhan ta nang kílay mu, Lets trim your eyebrows.
{2} [A; b(1)] cut a deck of cards.
Wà pa gániy nakakurti, íya nang gipanghátag ang mga baráha, No one has cut the cards, but he has already dealt.
{3} [A2; b6] join in a pleasurable activity where one is not immediately concerned.
Samtang gikasab-an ag míd, mikurti sab ku, While they were cussing out the maid, I also put in my two bits.
Gikurtíhan sa mayur ang ílang pag-isturyahánay, The mayor put his two bits into their conversation.
{3a} participate in the giving of punishment, usually physical punishment.
Mikurti kug sumbag sa kawatan nga hidakpan, I joined in mauling the thief they caught.
{3a1} [b8] be ganged up on.
Hikurtihan siya pag-adtu níyas Pásil, S.
ganged up on him when he went to Pasil.
{3b} [A; b(1)] acknowledge that s.
has new wearing apparel or haircut by touching the new thing.
Nakakurti na ku sa bag-ung sapátus ni Buy, I have already acknowledged Boys new shoes by stepping on them.
Kurtíhi si Ramun kay bag-ug tupi, Slap Ramon on the head in acknowledgement of his haircut.
{4} [A; b] use s.t.
belonging to s.
else usually for a brief period of time.
{4a} try doing s.t.
Nakakurti na bitaw kug sakays mutur, piru nabanggà ku, I have tried driving a motorcycle, but I crashed.
{5} [A; b] refute s.t.
Kurtíhan ku nang ímung gisulti, I will refute what you said.

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