GUSTU is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

gustu n liking, desire.
Matúman ang gustu sa hárì, The kings desire will be fulfilled.
a like, want.
Gustu kug kík, I like cake.
Gustu kang mamatay?
Do you want to die?
Ang gustu níya buhátun, What he wants to do.
v [A12; b8] like, want.
Kun nakagustu ka níya, pangulitawhi, If you like her, court her.
Gik-agustuhan (gikagustuan, nagustuhan, nagustuan) siya sa giniká-nan sa babáyi, The girls parents liked him.
kuntra against ones will.
Kuntra gustu ang íyang pagsugut, She agreed to it against her will.
gustuhay, gustuay v [C13] come to like one another.
Sa pagkadúgay nagkagustuhay na sila, After a while they came to like each other.
pa- v [A1; b6] let have ones own ways and whims.
Nagpagustu silag dít kay layù ang ginikánan, They dated without restraint because their parents are away.
Pa-gustui lang ang bátà, Give the child his way.
pasi- v [b5] allow s.
to have his own choice.
Pasigustua (pasigustuhi) siya kun unsang kursúha kuháun, Give him the choice on what study to take.
kagustúhan n wishes, desires.
Ang ákung pagpangasáwa kagustúhan ni Máma, dì ákù, My marriage is mothers wish, not mine.

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