UNDAYUN is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

undayun, undáyun (from dáyun) a space which is contiguous or continuous with s.t.
Ang kumidur undáyun sa sála, The dining room is a continuation of the living room.
pa- v {1} [A; b5c1] continue, go on doing s.t.
Mipaundáyun siyag lakaw bísan ákung gitawag, She continued on walking away even as I called her.
Wà siya makapaundáyun ug iskuyla kay nasakit, He was not able to continue his studies because he got sick.
{2} [A; b] go along with s.
s decision, wishes.
Magpaundáyun kami sa ímung hukum, We will go along with your decision.
Ayaw paundayúni sa tanan níyang gustu, Do not give him everything he wants.

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