GAPAS is a Cebuano word. In English, it means...

gápas n {1} k.
medium-sized tree which produces cotton.
{2} prepared cotton for treatment of wounds.
() v {1} [B4] for rice plants to fail to develop grains.
Migapas ang ámung humay tungud sa huwaw, Our rice plants didnt develop grains due to the drought.
{2} [A; a4] for cloth to be worn to the point that lint is showing.
Ug mugapas (gapasun) ang panaptun, panahun nang ipalit ug bag-u, If the cloth wears, its time to buy new clothes.
-an() n {1} cotton fields.
{2} dart of a blow gun (so called from the piece of cotton tied to the end).
{2a} arrow.
-un() a full of lint.
gapasgápas n k.
porgy with insipid cotton-like flesh: Monotaxis grandoculis.
gapasgapas = kadlum ihálas.
see kadlum.

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